SmallBusinessNewz Front Page: Mobile Apps, Social Marketing, Business Resources

Posted by Belajar Nulis On Sabtu, 29 Desember 2012 0 komentar

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Saturday, December 29, 2012
Is it time for your marketing to include a mobile app?
There Are 6 Billion Mobile Subscribers Worldwide
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Uncovering The Truth About Social Media Marketing
What Other Topic Has Caused More Debate Than Social Media?
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9 Amazing free resources to help you grow your business and feed your mind
Free marketing and educational resources
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1 comment
The Far Reaching Implications of The Social Business Model
Have We Stopped Dreadfully Short Of The True Potential Of Social?
1 comment
Strategy Without Change Is Pointless
Identifying the results of achieving an objective
How to Make Your Content Mobile Friendly
Mobile Accounting For Nearly 50% Of Content Consumption
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More Headlines
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Customer Service vs. Customer Experience – Both are Vital but Not the Same
Let's Look At Basic Definitions
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5 Ways to Turn Incredible Customer Support Into a Profit Center
Making money from your support
Using Social Media To Launch New Products
How Do We Get People To Buy?
The Only Path to Sustainable Growth
Your business doesn't care how you spend your day
Marketing Is So Much More Than Just a Sales Tool
Tunnel Vision and the Bigger Picture
How to Communicate Your Core Difference
Marketing Lives And Dies By The Ability To Capture And Communicate
7 Natural Advantages of Small Business
Seven Advantages I Implore You To Exploit
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3 Tips to Improve Ecommerce Website Conversions
If You Aren't Getting A Lot Of Sales, You Need To Make Changes
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7 Ways to Increase Engagement on Your Website
Get Them To Dig In And See What You've Got
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1 comment
7 Social Collaboration and Accountability Tools
New Online Apps And Tools Are Being Created Every Day
Targeting Content and Calls To Action: Where Are Your Prospects?
Be sure to pay attention to your analytics
The Ins and Outs of Virtual Internet Service Providers
Some users may be unaware they are working with a virtual service provider.
How To Discover Your Perfect Value Proposition
Differentiate Your Business Or You'll Be Forever Doomed
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Small Business Strategy: 10 Trends to Watch
As you read this, the business landscape is shifting right under your company's foundation.
Too Many Business Objectives Are Worse Than None At All
Annual Planning Is Necessary But It's Also Fraught With Challenges
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The Secret to Finding Highly Profitable Clients
A Three-Step Approach For Helping You Get A Clearer Idea
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Why Small Businesses Need Smart Marketing
Smart marketing is vital to small businesses.
How To Learn From The Best, Without Copying Them!
Using What Works For Others As A Source Of Inspiration
Blogging as Part of Your Marketing Strategy
Some Of The Most Important Things You Can Do Before You Start
What Makes Your Business Unique?
Shout it from the rooftops
Bloggers: 8 Tips to help you attract more readers, sales and business leads
Few Bloggers Understand Th Basics
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7 Most Important Online Marketing Tactics for Any Small Business
Online Marketing Must Become A Habit
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Do you follow these 3 keys to business success?
Offer unique value to prospective clients
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You’re 1 step away from the business breakthrough you deserve
Are you playing follow the followers?
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Become a Partner!

SmallBusinessNewz Videos
TED Talks Discuss Patent Problems
TED Talks Discuss Patent Problems

These days, you can hardly go a day without seeing news about patent trolls or some kind of patent litigation plaguing businesses, especially in the technology industry.

TED, which has been introducing some very interesting playlists from its numerous talks lately, compiled a list of six videos about problems with patents in a recent blog post. We've looked at the one from Fark's Drew Curtis before, but if this topic interests (or disturbs) you, you may want to check out the whole set.

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